

Sweet little Jeanne

Sweet little Jeanne


jeanne aide


Jeanne @ 70

Jeanne @ 70








Welcome to The Women’s Window!



I sensed the need to encourage and comfort the widows in my home town in Michigan shortly after my husband died in 1993.   The Lord led me to reach these ladies through a newsletter, The Widow’s Window, which I wrote, published and mailed out on a monthly basis .   It wasn’t long before women of all walks of life and situations requested subscriptions to this little newsletter; thus its name was changed to The Women’s Window.  

Today, Dec. 15, 2010, marks its debut into the world of the internet as     Women’s Window.

I am an established writer of Christian-based poetry, non-fiction stories and articles, devotionals, an E-Book and recently have begun to dabble in fiction.  This site will offer my writings and when available, those of other authors, including:  devotionals, Bible studies, poetry, humor, recipes, prayers and lots of blogging, all under the heading of women’s interests.

This is an exciting adventure for me, and I encourage you to join me in praising our Lord Jesus Christ and our heavenly Father through the written word.  May He bless these endeavors for His glory and enrich lives with His love, peace and joy.

My belief in Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord is steadfast and firmly planted.  We have journeyed long together, through many a conflict, many a doubt.  May His name forever be praised and elevated above any other name.  Amen. 

Your comments are most welcome and encouragement for the writers.  You are invited to become a regular visitor here, so come back soon.   Or, if you’d rather, subscribe and receive our offerings hot-off-the-press.  Thank you!


© 2010 Jeanne E Webster.  All rights reserved

[For bio, see “ABOUT ME” under the category tab.]

212 comments on “Welcome

  1. Love your blog Jeanne!


  3. Hi Jeanne,
    i am really inspired by your words. May God bless you and continue to do His good works in you. I’m here to stay!

  4. Godsfruitful says:

    Amen! I look forward to reading along with you as you write 🙂 I started blogging a month ago as a means to encourage others in the Lord. I invite you to check out my blogs as well and feel free to follow me back if interested. I believe that it is important to support others on this site:) I’m excited to be able to network with other Christians and help further His Kingdom! God Bless you for all of your efforts 🙂

  5. I love that you used loss in your life as an opportunity to love those around you.

  6. Euphonos says:

    Glad to have stopped by your blog 🙂 Look forward to exchange our thoughts.

  7. Yevette says:

    Glad I found you! I look forward to our exchanges.

  8. I don’t know if my last message went through…. but if not, I’m glad we discovered each other’s blog. I enjoyed looking through yours. Hope I can inspire you also. Blessings, Jo

  9. It’s nice to discover your blog. I hope you enjoy what you find on mine as I enjoyed on yours. May God bless your efforts.

  10. charlie says:

    Thanks, Jeanne, for sharing words of encouragement – and thanks for liking the post, “A New Beginning” at my blog, “Learning From God’s Word. God bless you and make you a blessing to many.

  11. isaiah43123 says:

    Thank you for deciding to hmmm along with me. I haven’t done much serious writing lately (too many urgent family issues demanding my time) but God has not stopped showing me many things to ponder. In time, the many hmmms jotted on paper and recorded to my smartphone will be pulled together and shared.

    Thanks again and Keep the Faith!

  12. Kim says:

    Hi Jeanne….thanks for stopping by “Unwalled” and deciding to follow; I am truly honored. It is my prayer that the Lord uses my posts to encourage, edify an inspire you in 2013 and beyond. May the He bless you as well as your ministry to women……..Kim

  13. Valarie says:

    Hi, I have nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. You can read more about it here: http://encouragementforeveryday.wordpress.com/2013/11/20/sisterhood-of-the-world-bloggers-award/

    Thank you for allowing God to use you in such a mighty way. God bless you.

  14. Julie Garro says:

    What a wonderful ministry you have. I wish you many blessings as you encourage others.

  15. Abby Kelly says:

    Hi Jeanne! I lost you too! How does that happen? Thank you so much for “finding” me
    I hope you’re well, and I’m glad to be back in touch!

  16. I love that you have a ministry to widows; very few people seem to do that even though it was command by God to do so. I will be following you so that I can keep tract with what God is doing in you.

  17. Shelly says:

    What a beautiful ministry the Lord is doing through you. Blessings to you as you encourage and support your sisters in Christ!

    • Shelly, my heart thanks you for your support and encouragement. I listen to the Lord; He leads! I shall return to your blog and absorb your good food. It is good to have another friend. Shalom

  18. Hi Jeanne! Its been a while! Great Post!

  19. I don’t want to burden you but you have received the Versatile Blogger Award.

    Ta-Da! Two More Awards

  20. joseyphina says:

    hello Jeanne, you’ve been nominated for the semper fidelis award so please visit my site for the details. Congrats and stay blessed! 🙂

    • Congratulations on your nomination for this award, Josey! WOW! You deserve it!

      Thank you for your sharing with me. I’m just not into taking the time that accompanies accepting all the awards here. It is a special treat, and I so appreciate your thoughts. You have been such a great supporter and reader. Blessings, my friend. 🙂

  21. Naphtali says:

    The WordPress Family Blog Award

    Jeanne, I have nominated you for the WordPress Family Blog award at my site!

  22. Valarie says:

    Thank you for visiting “encouragement for every day” and for following my blog. I pray it will be a blessing to your heart! God bless you.

  23. My dear friend I have nominated you for The Best Moment Award! Congratulations! Please visit this link: transcendingbordersblog.wordpress.com/2013/05/01/the-best-moment-award-3/

    • Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness! Your encouragement means a lot! Blessings.

      Congratulations on your nomination for this award! You have done well and I look forward to more of your works.

  24. Thank you for visiting my spiritually-centered poetry site. Your comment was timely and well received. Blessings in your individual journey.

  25. I really like the new presentation of your blog! 🙂

  26. What a blessing to discover your blog. 🙂

  27. Hi, Jeanne. I’ve nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award. Stop by and pick up your award, please.

  28. joseyphina says:

    hello Jeanne, I’m here to inform you that you’ve been nominated for the Best Moment Award so please visit http://joseyphina.wordpress.com/the-best-moment-award for the rules and link to the award image. Shalom!

  29. Sebastian says:

    Hello Jeanne! I look forward to really diving into your blog. Also, thank you for following my blog at http://faith1stministries.com I hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st because the “just shall live by his faith.” — Sebastian

  30. jesusmyjoy says:

    please accept this award..let me know if you got it ok..God bless you

  31. Indeed are we not blessed to be here and now. What could we do to hold this perspective at all times? Even when we take on the daily challenges that life throws at us.

    Loved the post.


  32. samme712 says:

    My mom adores you and she told me about your site! She likes to post videos…and always writes ALOT. Let my people go! LOL Sorry, I can’t outrightly say who my mom is because she doesn’t want me to publicly say. God bless you!

  33. ajaytao2010 says:

    Nice reading about you.

    Thanks. I invite you to visit my blog Ajaytao2010@wordpress.com. Browse through the category sections, I feel you may definitely find something of your interest.

  34. Just wanted you to know I have nominated you for some awards, so pop over to my blog to learn all about them! http://inlovewiththelord.wordpress.com/2013/01/19/the-bases-are-loaded-three-awards/

  35. rolerrol says:

    I have nominated you The Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Go to http://kingspeech.wordpress.com/ to take a look. God bless.

  36. Subhan Zein says:

    Hi Jeanne,

    Happy New Year to you. May 2013 bring more love, happiness, and success to you and your family. 🙂

    Subhan Zein

  37. Jesus Christ is indeed our beloved Lord and Saviour. May we all have the strength, courage and fortitude to shine with the grace of The Holy Spirit, that all may know the true source of our love in Christ, and that we may honour Him to the glory of God the Father till our very last breath.
    God bless you

  38. Just wanted to make sure you knew I nominated you for “Blog of the Year 2012” Pop over to my blog for all the details!http://inlovewiththelord.wordpress.com/2012/12/27/blog-of-the-year-2012/

  39. Rad change says:

    Thanks for the follow!

  40. patgarcia says:

    I have nominated your blog for the blog of the year 2012. If you want to participate, please go to http://garciaandwalkon.me and follow the instructions on the blog of the year 2012 award.
    Have a great second Advent’s Sunday.

  41. I’ve nominated you for the Blog of the Year Award 2012 ~ I think you are amazing! You can find it at http://misifusa.wordpress.com/2012/12/07/i-feel-the-love-blog-of-the-year-2012-award/
    Hugs to you!

  42. thoughtsfromanamericanwoman says:

    Jeanne, you have been nominated for the Sisters of the blogging world award. If you do not accept awards that is fine, I like presenting them to show my appreciation of your writing. Blessings – Patty http://thoughtsfromanamericanwoman.wordpress.com/2012/11/28/the-heart-of-bloggers/

  43. kford2007 says:

    God bless you for sharing the Word and all the work you are doing with your site. Also a heartfelt thank you for following my blog. I have a feeling it will be changing soon to reflect my beliefs in God and His purpose through me.

  44. Susan Michaels says:

    love this fresh design on your blog! beautiful!

  45. thoughtsfromanamericanwoman says:

    I have nominated your for the Super Sweet Blogging award – go to: http://thoughtsfromanamericanwoman.wordpress.com/2012/09/19/super-sweet-blogging-award/
    It is such a pleasure getting to know you…you really are super sweet!

  46. Lyn Leahz says:

    Thank you for following me Jeanne! God bless you!

  47. thoughtsfromanamericanwoman says:

    Hello – fellow blogger friend from God Speaks I Listen recommended your page. She is right you have some very nice poetry, I enjoyed my visit. And we have something in common, I started school at the Mannheim Army Post American School in Mannheim Germany and my mother lived for years in Frankfurt and my brother and sister were also born in Germany. The family housing at Mannheim is one of many places that were given back to Germany. My German is rusty but here goes: Es ist nett, Sie zu treffen. Segnungen – Patty.

    • Hello Patty. So good to hear from you! Small world. We lived in Butzbach, rode the bus to Frankfurt to school, graduated in ’60. Married in Oct. that year, had first 3 kids over there. We lived on the economy at first then finally got housing. Yes, I hear things have changed drastically. Did you travel much while you were there? Loved Switzerland & southern Germany. Will look forward to reading your blog and bio too. Love to make new friends. Keep in touch. jeanne_webster@yahoo.com

      German is rusty here too. Sorry. Shalom 🙂

  48. patgarcia says:

    I am also an American Christian author currently living in Germany. I was scouting around lookíng for websites to team up with and follow in my wordpress and saw yours and decided to read about you. I like what I read and wish you the very best. I recently had my first short story published by a Canadian publisher, as well as a literary arricle publish in the American Diversity Report in April of this year. You may find some of my work at http://www.patgarciaschaack.com or on one of my wordpress blogs at http://garciaandwalkon.me. I personally wish you all the best in your writing and look forward to getting to know you better in what you write.

    • Wie gehts, Pat? Love to share with you and let us encourage each other. I graduated from American H.S. in Frankfurt. Many years ago. Sounds like you are doing well. Will visit your site and read all about you! Auf wiedersehen! Happy to have you on board.


      • patgarcia says:

        Hi Jeanne,
        Mir geht es gut!
        So, you went to Frankfurt High School? Then it will probably surprise you that the whole area where the military was stationed is no more. The schools, Terrace Club, billeting do not exist anymore. The housing areas have also changed. Some completely torned down and others remodeled and Germans and other nationalities are living in them. There is no American Military in Frankfurt or Hanau or Rhein Main. The Air Force base was given over to FRA PORT the German Luthansa airline.
        Things have changed here completely and many Americans who were stationed here would be surprised at the changes.
        Have a great day and it is nice connecting with you.

  49. You are a blessing to me and so I’ve just nominated you for the Reader Appreciation Award. The rules are simple, so just pop over to my blog and copy the award and rules so you can post it to your own!

    • May the Lord be praised! Let us honor Him in all we do and give thanks for all His blessings. What a treasure you are, Martha, and a faithful doer of the Word. Shalom

  50. Hi. I just gave you a blog award: Very Inspiring Blogger” so pop over to my blog and snag a copy of the award and the few simple rules to follow to accept it. Don’t forget to post it on your blog!

  51. Arlene says:

    Hi Jeanne: I think you are deserving of “The Versatile Blogger” award. If you’d like to accept it, please stop by http://armouredup.wordpress.com/2012/07/21/versatile-blogger-award/ for the details. Blessings…

  52. Wayne Augden says:

    Thank you for your kindness and prayers. I took a look at your blog and look forward to seeing more of your posts. Wayne.

  53. I just nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award!

  54. Roxi says:

    Hello Jeanne and thank you for subscribing to my blog! 🙂 I hope that you wil find many inspirational and positive things in it, as I can see that yours is filled with them as well 🙂
    Lots of love, blessings and peace of mind to you!

  55. 2b14u says:

    For some reason our work server blocks your site off and on. I have wanted to comment on some stuff at times, and then can’t. Just know that I do read what is sent by email from you, but I can’t comment when the web pulls it up. Today I was able to go to your page!!! Yeah!

  56. Susan Michaels says:

    Jeanne…you may have this award…but if you do…it`s yours again…I had this shared by Kate Kresse a short time ago, but have been away and just had to catch up and say…`thank you!`for being one of my favorite blog inspirations. You may use The Very Inspirational Blogger Award as you choose…and read about it here: http://5wise.wordpress.com/awards/ Blessings, Susan

  57. Jeanne, I am nominating you for the ABC Award. My post on Wed. will give details.

  58. April says:

    You have been nominated for the Kreativ Blogger’s Award. Click the link below to find out more!

    I always enjoy your posts!

    • April says:

      OOPS! Please delete the last comment I sent you!! I copy and pasted the wrong link!!!

      Here is the link you need to receive the Kreativ Blogger;s Award!!

      Blessings to you this week and in your writings!!

      • Hello April. Thank you for the nomination! A wonderful idea. I have been nominated for this award before though and had to turn the offer away. Be blessed for your thoughtfulness! Love your blog. 🙂

  59. joseyphina says:

    I’d love to follow your blog and be blessed by your articles

  60. Hi Jeanna,

    wanted to congrats you on your nomination and thank you for stopping by my blog. I’m following you and can’t wait to read more of your blog! God Bless 🙂

  61. terri0729 says:

    Didn’t know where to put this to make sure you’d see it but here goes, I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Candle Lighter Award and you should get a pingback to my post. If you don’t, you can find it here:

    Handing It Off To My Dream Catchers

    Grab the award and post it. No requirement that I know of on how many people you give it to
    shalom, Terri

  62. I thought it would be nice to come over and wish you a very happy new year. May the Lord continue to bless and use you.

  63. Hi Jeanne, I have nominated you for the 7×7 Link Award. Directions will be on my post Tues. AM (the 27th).

  64. isaiah43123 says:

    Jeanne, thank you for deciding to tag along with My Hmmm Collection. This adventure began as a learning tool for me… writing about what God is talking to me about… but soon realized others may benefit from His talks too. Thanks again. Merry Christmas!

    • Nice having another friend onboard! Yes, life is certainly an adventure; sometimes it’s rocky, other times it’s smooth as glass. Just remember “Who’s” you are and “What” you are about. God’s word never comes back void.

      Shalom and a peacefilled Christmas! 🙂

  65. I have been blessed by your posts my friend therefore, I’ve nominated you for the “Versatile Blogger Award.” Please visit my site for more details and Happy Holidays!

    • Thank you so much, Jessie; I am blessed! However, I have already been nominated for that award. Your are most gracious.

      Your posts are an uplifting way to begin my day. Keep inspiring us!

  66. Carolyn says:

    Hi Jeanne, I have nominated you for a blogging award. Take a look here! http://hisperfectmess.wordpress.com/2011/12/10/liebster-award/

    • You are so sweet! I appreciate your thought but I already have the Liebster Award. One is always in debt to friends who are true blue. You are just that and I thank the Lord that we met and share on this blog thing. Isn’t it grand?!


  67. Wonderful blog you have. First time I have seen it. Mind if I browse and get to know you better?;)

  68. isaiah43123 says:

    Thank you for stopping by My Hmmm Collection and liking my latest post… it is very encouraging.

    • Hi Karin! Good to have you visit my blog. Looking forward to your treats on your blog. Good posts.


      • isaiah43123 says:

        Thank you for your kind words and pushing the like button on my post, Hmmm… Pack Rat or Treasure Seeker. I love how God meets us in the ordinariness of our day to give us treats as you call them to take pleasure in and learn from. Thanks again.

  69. This blog sounds like a wonderful way to connect women together through Christ. I look forward to getting to know you through About You and your posts. God bless you with every step you take, every word you speak and write that it may radiate volumes of love and abundant growth for the Kingdom of God. All glory and praise be to Him for he is worthy of it all!

    In Christ,
    Living Simply In Abundance

    • Thank you for the gracious blessing, Terra! It speaks volumes of your heart and spirit. Welcome to womenswindow and I anticipate knowing you more through our exchanges.


  70. jesusmyjoy says:

    i’m glad your following me thank you

  71. I love your page, so much in fact that I nominated you for the 2011 Leibster Blog Award!! Check out the details on my page…and enjoy!!


    • You are so gracious, Jenyfer! I would love to accept your award but I received one not too long ago. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and I love your blog. I’ll be following you and praying you have much success here. You made my day, young lady! 🙂

      Happy Thanksgiving Day!

  72. jesusmyjoy says:

    Happy thanksgiving all..God bless

  73. Pam Ford Davis says:

    Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!

  74. Thanks for the encouragement w my blog. Feel free to link to it if you would like:). Deanna

  75. jesusmyjoy says:

    Thank you so much for praying

  76. camary1996 says:

    This is such a beautiful website. May the Lord continue to use you!!!

  77. terri0729 says:

    May God bless and keep you always! Being a Christian poet as well, it’s hard to find other good like minded sites. So glad that you stopped by so that we could become acquainted. I’ve subscribed to your blog too. Thank you for all of your efforts to serve our Lord in this venue, you will be blessed for it!

    Shalom, Terri

  78. Jeanne says:


    so blessed to know other women through my writing. as you know, writing can be very bleak, spending long hours alone typing away. hope for many splendid days conversing through the wires and Faithwriters.com where we caught up with each other to begin.

    Jesus’ peace,
    Jeanne (lollysadverbs)

    • Yes, it is so. Amen! I long for friendships also among writers, as indeed it is a lonely task. Only other writers know the burden that comes with it. So let us be up and about, lifting up one another and encouraging those quieted spirits!


  79. Thanks for hitting my blog! I always love to connect with other writers with a heart for women. Good luck in all you do and keep in touch:)

  80. Hi Jeanne, I am just letting you know that I nominated you for the Most Verstile Blogger Award.

  81. So glad I found out about your site, Jeanne. I love the look! More blessings on you as you minister to women AND men. sc

  82. Thank you for visiting my site and your comment. I am so happy to have stumbled upon your blog! You are such an inspiration. 🙂

    Warm Regards,

  83. I just found you through LeRoy Dean’s blog. So glad I did. Will be subscribing and revisting often. Will be praying God’s blessing on you and this sight.

  84. great testimony. i believe too.

  85. Abby Kelly says:

    Sorry about the difficulty finding the subscription link! I’ve moved it to the top right hand corner of the page.

  86. Much success in this endeavor. I wonder if a divorce, or two, is like a death?

    • Thanks for your visit and comment. Enjoyed your site and will return. Love your hat!

      I would say a divorce, in many ways, is like a death; a loss is a loss is a loss. [I’ve lost and lost and lost.]

    • Penny says:

      Yes, divorce is exactly like going through a death of a love one. You experience the same emotions and set backs. But, I have turned my life around-and have moved forward with more wisdom and understanding.

  87. Hi, wonderful stuff here for women. Thank you very much for this, and indeed you are doing a great work. Oh, wish men could also have their site, smile.

    May you continue with the same spirit.
    Wishing you every joy.
    Justus Ondieki
    web: http://theleastofthese.kk5.org

  88. LeRoy Dean says:

    Be blessed with much success.

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